As the new year rolls on into the second month, contributions to the knowledge of pain medicine continue to expand. Pain Practice continues to serve as a source for clinically relevant papers from around the world. From the excellent contributions we consistently receive from around the world, I’d like to pay special attention to the following 4 papers: the 1st contribution addresses predictors for the development of chronic pain after surgery. The 2ndcontribution looks at the efficacy of high-frequency sub-perception spinal cord stimulation for non-surgical low back pain at 12 months. The 3rd paper is a review of studies using non-drug substances, or supplements, and their effectiveness in treating various pain diagnoses. The 4th contribution is a case series examines dorsal root ganglion stimulation for treatment of refractory anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES). These selected contributions will be sure to provide some guidance and discussion, in the diagnosis and treatment of pain patients.